Saint Paddy and Island batik hop

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

Island Batik

Welcome to my stop in the Island Batik “Paper-Pieced Celebrations Blog Hop” hosted by Island Batik, using the 2023 Winter collections. The challenge for this month was to make a lap size or larger quilt using the surprise collection we received in box 1 back in January. Today, Kim (Chatterbox Quilts) and I are sharing our finishes in this last week of the hop.

island batik foundations

The products featured in this post were provided to me free of charge. As an Island Batik Ambassador I receive two shipments a year filled with beautiful Island Batik fabric. Included in these shipments are products from industry partners Hobbs Batting, Schmetz Needles, Deb Tucker Studio 180 Designs, Aurifil Thread and new this year, Oliso Irons.

View the entire hop schedule, with links on the Island Batik Blog. You can also click on the logo below for a list of Island Batik Ambassadors websites.

2024 island batik ambassadors


The Grove, designed by Kathy Engle for Quilters’ Treasure Chest is so lovely. Naturally, the colors led my thoughts to the Emerald Isle and St Patrick’s Day. The collection includes 20 fabrics with lovely prints of trees, dots, leaves, and pine needles.

You will find colors that range from a very delicate light green to dark green prints, with a little teal mixed in between, as you’ll see in the following photos. Although I rarely admit it. green seems to be my favorite color. When I say “seems to be” it’s because I have so much green in my life and it’s really unintentional.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

saint paddy pattern

For the hop I designed a 60″x 72″ quilt pattern I call Saint Paddy and hosted a 4 week sew along. For 4 weeks I released a new round every Monday so others could join in and make their own Saint Paddy quilt. You can view more here. There are even prizes, sponsors and linkup at the bottom of this post.

The pattern includes templates for each round as well as directions for traditional patchwork. The shamrock medallion must be FPP. Saint Paddy is available to purchase in my Etsy and Payhip shops.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

The background fabric I chose to pair with The Grove is Island Batik Black Black Solid. Island Batik Solids are available throughout the year and are of the same quality as their prints.

For piecing I used 50wt Aurifil Thread and Schmetz Microtex Needles. Aurifil Thread has been a favorite of mine even before becoming an Island Batik Ambassador because I love its strength.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

For the shamrocks I used four fabrics from the collection and they are FPP.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

The middle round can be FPP or made with traditional patchwork, directions for both are included in the pattern.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

Next was adding the middle border strips. The super hot Oliso 1600 for quilters pressed my heavy seams flat.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

I really love the way The Grove pops against the black background. Doesn’t it look like it could glow in the dark?

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

There are 8 fabrics in this collection that I did not use in Saint Paddy, they’ll find a home in an upcoming quilt.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,


island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern, hobbs batting

My go-to batting when using black or dark fabrics is Heirloom® Premium 80/20 Black Cotton/Poly Blend from Hobbs Batting. But I also use their bleached and unbleached batting and I love it! Their 100% Wool batting is the best.

For my quilting thread I used Aurifil Forty3 which I purchased from MaryMackMadeMine’s Etsy Shop.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
schmetz needles, aurifil thread, island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,
island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

I opted for a loopty loop quilt design FMQ on my longarm.

island batik fabric, the grove, a quiltery, quiltery, aquitery, for the love of gesse, st paddy quilt, paper pieced quilt pattern,

Ah Spring, we finally got a break from the rain and I was able to snap a quick photo. I love love love this finish and will be using it all year long, not just in March.

Visit my Shop page to purchase Saint Paddy pattern


Here are just a couple of shops where you can find The Grove.

Laural’s Fabrics and More, LLCLino LakesMN

Queen Bee QuiltsGalesvilleWI

To find a local shop who carries Island Batik fabric or to search by collection visit one of the links below.

Island Batik Fabric Finder

Island Batik Store Locator

Final linkup for the saint paddy sew along

If you have been sewing along don’t forget to share your finish in the linkup, see rules here.

Be sure to visit the generous sponsors:

One winner of a pdf pattern from Pamela Quilts

One winner of a pdf pattern from Songbird Designs

One winnder of a pdf pattern from Inflorescence

Island Batik-1 fq bundle from the fall/winter 2023 collection

3 people will win an Island Batik Stash Builder Pack from A Quiltery.

Island Batik giveaway

Island Batik is giving away 2 fat quarter bundles. Be sure to complete the rafflecopter for a chance to win, good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Share your love


  1. I just want to thank you for your generosity for designing and hosting the St Paddy’s Day QAL for free. I downloaded all the steps, only did not have the time to make it (yet). I hope to get to it later this year. Thank you again for everyting.

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