Tag saint paddy quilt

st paddy sew along logo, island batik, quiltery, aquiltery, a quiltery

round 4 of Saint paddy

Today's post is the final round of the Saint Paddy SAL, are you making progress? By now your quilt should resemble this...
st paddy sew along logo, island batik, quiltery, aquiltery, a quiltery

Saint Paddy Round 2

Did you know that green has nothing to do with St Patrick since he is shown in images wearing blue. The Irish chose the color green as a sign of rebellion to the English Crown. They would wear green shamrocks and ribbons, or a green feather in their hats.
st paddy sew along logo, island batik, quiltery, aquiltery, a quiltery

Saint Paddy Round 1

Welcome to round 1 of the Saint Paddy SAL. If you are Irish (or not) you know that St Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday celebrating the Patron Saint of Ireland, St Patrick. The myth is that St Patrick drove…