Floral Fusion Finish

Floral Fusion finish , products featured in this post were provided to me free of charge. As an Island Batik Ambassador I receive two shipments a year filled with beautiful Island Batik fabric. Included in these shipments are products from industry partners Hobbs Batting, Schmetz Needles, Deb Tucker Studio 180 Designs, Aurifil Thread and new this year, Oliso Irons. I am a Missouri Star Quilt Co. Partner and earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

Island batik sept

Island Batik Blog hop

Floral Fusion finish. Welcome to my stop in the Adventurous Applique Blog Hop hosted by Island Batik. In this hop the Ambassadors will be sharing 11 new fabric collections shipping to shops this month. The collection I received for the hop is called Daisy May designed by Kathy Engle. Daisy May includes 20 new vibrant colors, with floral and leaf designs, it is so pretty.

daisy may

Visit the Island Batik blog for the entire hop schedule, to enter giveaways, or to locate a nearby shop that carries Island Batik fabric. Their Fabric Finder makes it easy to find what your are looking for by location or collection name. I always suggest visiting your local shops before purchasing online, but hey, I understand. Sometimes we don’t have a local shop and if we do they don’t always carry the brands or fabrics we are looking for. Here are a few shops who will carry Daisy May:

Ace Sewing & VacuumOR
Bittersweet Fabric Shop LLCNH
Colchester Mill FabricsCT

The challenge Using Aurifil Thread

  • Project Type: Quilt
  • Size: Lap or larger
  • Must use the Spring 2024 fabric bundle (Daisy May)
  • Technique: Edge-coloring (painting) appliqué

To finish the edges of our appliques, each Ambassador received 5 small coordinating thread spools (see image under Products Used) from Aurifil Thread.

Floral Fusion

floral fusion quilt, applique quilt,

The name of my quilt is Floral Fusion and I have been hosting an ongoing sew along every week with new blocks being released on Mondays. The blocks are free to download for the week they are current. When new blocks are released the previous are made available in my Payhip Shop for a small fee. Check back Monday for new blocks.

Floral Fusion is a floral applique quilt of the garden I wish to have. But since I do not have a green thumb I can only dream, and this quilt paired with Daisy May fills that dream. It doesn’t need watered, sun or shade and it blooms throughout the year, anywhere inside my home. Win Win.

Using a fusible web I cut out all the shapes and began fusing and stitching. Fusing the entire shape in place makes things a little too stiff for me, so I used my mini iron and just fused the edges down. By doing so I still have a soft and fluffy flower. Because I love this fabric the whole process felt like it was over too soon.

daisy may

Floral Fusion blocks

There are a total of 10 different flower blocks in my garden and I used every single fabric from the collection. The four lightest fabrics filled my background and the others were used on flowers and leaves.

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along, block 1 & 9
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along, block 1 & 9
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along

There was something missing from the quilt though and it needed to be larger for the challenge. Like quilts, flower gardens need a border, so I drew a few fence row.

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along

Products used in this project

Island Batik Daisy May, designed by Kathy Engle.

Matching 40wt Aurifil Thread.

Schmetz Non Stick Needles

Oliso Smart Iron

Hobbs Tuscany Silk Batting

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt,

I love the Schmetz Non Stick needles that were sent to me in box 1, and I use them almost exclusively. The Oliso TG1600 Pro is a super hot iron that presses seams flat. You have to careful because the hottest setting on this iron is so much hotter than the big box store irons. The wool setting is sufficient to press those seams. The only time I have used it on the hottest setting is smoothing scraps that have been smashed in a box.

island batik ambassador, aquiltery, for the love of geese

The Aurifil 40wt thread I received blended perfectly with Daisy May. It’s wonderful for machine applique.

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt,

Hobbs Tuscany Silk Batting is light weight and adds a little loft to the flowers in Floral Fusion. It is perfect for those small baby quilts. If you like a dense, heavy batting I would recommend you choose their 100% Cotton Batting.

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt,

Missouri Star Quilt Co sent some goodies a couple weeks ago. One of the items was this 45mm rotary cutter with replacement blades. It’s been a while since I have used a straight rotary cutter, I really like the weight and feel of this one. If you click on the logo below and make a purchase of $50 or more you will save 20%, automatically applied at checkout. And I will earn a small commission.

quiltery, aquiltery, missouri star quilt co
Click on logo to save 20% on a $50 or more purchase.

Floral Fusion Finish

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along

When quilting Floral Fusion I outlined the flower and leaves, and added spirals to fill the empty space. Did you know Aurifil has a longarm thread, Forty3. My Gammill is a little picky about the thread I use and Forty3 is one of few threads it approves of.

island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along
island batik, island batik ambassador, flower quilt, flower applique quilt, floral fusion sew along

keep reading

2024 island batik ambassadors

Available for purchase


Don’t wanna wait for the sew along to end? You can purchase the entire pattern here.

floral fusion applique quilt pattern


Follow @aquiltery on Instagram and comment to be entered into the giveaway. 2 winners will receive a digital copy of Floral Fusion. Winner will be announced in this post Sept. 19th. Two winners from the Adventurous Applique blog hop hosted by Island Batik have been selected. They are Christi S. and Cindy S., an email has been sent to you ladies.

Share your love


  1. What a riot of color your garden is! I love it, and the fence gives just the perfect touch of whimsy. Had you done thread painting before? Did you enjoy it? I’ll have to try it.

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