Something’s fishy

somethings fishy

Welcome to my stop in the “Something Smells Fishy” Blog Hop Challenge hosted by Carol from Just Let Me Quilt. I love her hops because she always comes up with some of the most interesting challenges that get your creativity juices flowing. Thank you Carol!

When I joined I knew I wanted to incorporate machine embroidery into the project so I started looking for fish designs, more specifically bass designs.

In my search I came across some funny fishing designs and immediately I knew I had to find a clever way to use them. A t-shirt quilt seemed the best option since many of the designs I imagined on t-shirts. So I drew up a t-shirt block and started stitching.


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The fabrics I chose for the border blocks is Island Batik Summertime provided to me by Missouri Star Quilt Co. for free. I’m not certain but I think this is a bundle MSQ curated for themselves. If you’d like to check them out click on the MSQ logo below, and if you make a purchase you will save 20% off on $50, and I will earn a small commission.

The blocks

My husband said it didn’t really look like a t-shirt, but like any good wife I ignored his opinion and carried on. After making all 16 blocks I narrowed down the designs and started stitching. Below are just 12 of the designs I chose. All of the designs can be found on Creative Fabrica (no affiliation). Reminder to self, don’t use variegated thread for lettering.

Since the neck looked too square I made some bias binding and appliqued collars to the shirts. I wish I’d thought of that while making the blocks because I could have added it to the sleeves as well. I also added some decorative stitches to the shirts, but I forgot to finish the stitching on the sleeves and shoulders (blonde moment) before joining all the blocks together.

tshirt quilt, quiltery, aquiltery, tshirt patchwork block, free tshirt block quilt block pattern

The quilt flimsy

Of course it was windy as it usually here. My husband, who has now decided my t-shirts look like t-shirts, had to stand behind the flimsy to keep the stand from blowing over. The quilting will take place at a later date.

tshirt quilt, quiltery, aquiltery, tshirt patchwork block, free tshirt block quilt block pattern

Grab your block pattern for free until the end of July. Click here and you will be redirected to Payhip for the download. If you make something with it be sure to tag me on socials @aquiltery or stop by on Thursday’s to share in my linky party.

View my other patterns by clicking Shop in the top bar and click on Payhip. Not all patterns are available in my Etsy Shop.

My quilt taking flight…

tshirt quilt, quiltery, aquiltery, tshirt patchwork block, free tshirt block quilt block pattern

Visit the other blogs sharing their Fishy finishes today, links below. You can also view the entire hop schedule by visiting Carols site.


A Quiltery-you are here


Quilting Gail

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

That Fabric Feeling

Linky Party

Join me every Thursday for Put your foot down, a weekly linky party. Share your WIP’s and new quilty finishes.

put your foot down linky party, fiber art linky party, island batik , island batik ambassador, quiltery, a quiltery, for the love of geese, paper pieced quilt,
Share your love


  1. Now just how cute is that quilt! I love it. Great machine embroidery designs for it as well. Glad your hubby came around to a woman’s point of view! LOL!!!

  2. Your quilt is so clever and definitely looks like a t-shirt quilt! It’s perfect for the fisherman in your life!
    Thank you for the generous t-shirt block pattern…you’ve got me thinking of ways I could use it!

  3. I love your shirts! That’s a great idea! I’ve had an idea and this is the perfect way to do it. Thanks!

  4. It definitely looks like a t-shirt quilt…love it! All those embroidery designs are perfect for a fisherman and the bias tape gives a great finish. Great job on catching the fishy challenge on this one, Denise! Thanks for diving in for this blog hop!

  5. This is a brilliant idea for showing off embroidery or favorite things. Great idea and glad you persisted. I have similar conversations with my husband, and he often says….I really couldn’t see it but this is great.

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